#WEASA2021: Day 6
ΤAs we promised in our Sunday teasing video, we began this week with one of our amazing sessions with the digital security guru, and Program Designer of #WEASA2021, Łukasz Król (his twitter account as well).
Based on the reactions from the participants, the session was truly useful but also entertaining. Łukasz went through a a variety of topics, including the safety of different messenger platforms, how to create strong passwords, where to store passwords and more secure networking techniques! In sum, the participants were able to obtain valuable information essential for their, as Łukasz likes to say: “(digital) security” – since digital security is just a part of one’s whole security, and if someone cares about their whole security, this should include digital security.
The second part of the day was devoted to the Bad News game, during which the founder of DROG Ruurd Oosterwoud, the developer of the bad news game, introduced the participants to the most intriguing game and together we practiced the dynamics of fake news and how the effects of disinformation and the conspiracies work.
The final accord of Day 6 was the introduction of opportunities beyond WAESA. This session was especially designed for WEASA participants and the alumni members who have become WEASA group facilitators to become acquainted with the educational and job related opportunities of our partners: Leaders of Change Foundation, College of Europe in Natolin, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, New Eastern Europe, Region in Transit (RITA) and The Embassy of the Netherlands in Poland
We do hope that this session will open opportunities and perspectives for our participants and group facilitators!
And what remains from us is to say: Great job! See you tomorrow at 10:00 to continue our amazing sessions.
WEASA team