WEASA Communication Platform
Group Facilitation 2021
What does a group facilitator do?
This year we want to engage our alumni even more, so we decided to provide the opportunity for previous WEASA participants to stay involved. We encourage all interested alumni to apply to become a group facilitator for the 2021 edition.
We are seeking 5 WEASA Alumni to take an active leadership role this year and facilitate a group. Each facilitator will manage a group of 10 WEASA 2021 participants. During the WEASA 2021 online edition, facilitators will run workshops and discussions based on the topics that were discussed during the main lectures. The facilitators will engage in dialogue with participants, identify issues that come up in discussions and encourage participants to stay actively involved. They will also debrief the participants at the end of the WEASA 2021 edition and provide the feedback to the organizers.
What does a group facilitator get?
The WEASA Team will provide a 1-day online training for the 5 chosen facilitators. After completion of the facilitation and 2021 WEASA edition, the facilitators will also receive a special certificate for their outstanding work with WEASA.